Day 5 - God Cares for Us

Theme: God cares for us!
Bible Verse: "Don't be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today." - Exodus 14:13
Bible Story: The Israelites cross the Red Sea as they escape Pharoah. - Exodus 14:1-15:21
The children will travel with Moses, led by the cloud and pillar of fire of God's presence.
They will watch the Red Sea part, and they will cross through the waves as Pharoah's army presses in on them.
They will talk about trusting God to always care for them.

Day 4 - God Give Us Life

Theme: God give us life!
Bible Verse: "Don't be afraid!...He is risen from the dead." - Matthew 28:5-6
Bible Story: Jesus dies and then is raised from the dead! - Matthew 27:11-28:10
The children will taste foods that are reminders of the first Passover.
They will hear how Jesus defeated sin by dying on the cross, and how he defeated death by being raised from the dead.
And, they will talk about the life we can have in heaven with God because of Jesus' sacrifice.

Day 3 - God Does What He Says He'll Do

Theme: God does what He says He'll do!
Bible Verse: "The Lord kept His promise." - Exodus 12:42
Bible Story: God spares the Israelites at Passover - Exodus 11:1-12:42
The children will learn about the last plague that helped Pharaoh understand the seriousness of the situation.
They will experience what it was like to paint the door frames of the house with the blood of the lamb, like at Passover.
They will eat flattened bread, like at Passover and prepare to leave Egypt.
They will talk about believing that God will do what He has promised.

Day 2 - God is Powerful

Theme: "God is powerful!"
Bible Verse: "I will show you that I am the Lord." - Exodus 7:17
Bible Story: God sends plagues on Egypt - Exodus 7:1-10:29
The children will join Moses as he confronts Pharaoh about letting the Israelites go.
They will experience what the plagues were like.
And, they will talk about God being more powerful than anything they might be afraid of.

Day 1 - God is With Us

Theme: "God is with us!"
Bible Verse: "God answered, 'I will be with you." - Exodus 3:12
Bible Story: Moses and the Burning Bush - Exodus 3:1-4:17
The children will be meeting Moses tending his sheep, alone on a mountain top.
They will hear the "voice of God" coming from a burning bush!
They will talk about facing difficult tasks - and remember that God is with them.

VBS 2009 - Crocodile Dock!

Welcome to Around the Table!

Here you will find a brief guide to what your children are learning at Acton UMC's VBS 2009. Each day you will find an updated list of the theme, Bible verse and Bible story that your children are learning at Crocodile Dock.

On the right hand side of the page you will find discussion points to guide you as you sit around the table and talk about what your children are learning. Please take the time to do this every night. The home is by far the most important place of learning for your children, so any time you can spend solidifying what they have learned at Acton UMC will take them far in their faith development.

Enjoy having this time around the table with your children.

CTCYM 2009

The Week of Worship
Immerse - John 4:14

Sunday - Immerse - John 4:4-15
Monday - Testing the Waters - Philippians 4:6-7
Tuesday - Diving In - Matthew 14:22-23
Wednesday - Coming Up for Air - John 1:10-18
Thursday - Making a Splash - Isaiah 55:10-11
Friday - The Living Water - Matthew 3:13-17